
About this blog

In his more than 10 years of being a Christian, w3bservant realized there’s so much more to learn about God; that in all these years what he learned of Him and about Him, is less than 1% of who God really is. So he still consider himself a noob, a beginner, a novice, a learner.

This blog is a collection of “painfully honest” questions, realizations and rantings from a life observer unashamed to admit that he is still struggling to know God and His will and what being a Christian really means.

He is  just another imperfect Christian, and this is his notebook, expect to see imperfections and erasures as he learns in life — by God’s grace, through faith.


You can contact w3bservant here: w3bservant@yahoo.com


The thoughts and opinions expressed here are that of the author and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Church he is associated with; this is especially true when he occasionally makes an idiot out of himself in some of his posts.

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